The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

Bad Days

Once again I find myself at your feet. Begging you to forgive me for abandoning you. It's not that I haven't tried, for the past two weeks I've created draft upon draft, different subjects, different themes... But none have been able to push through. You see, I've hit that slump. Yes, that one. The one… Continue reading Bad Days

Creative Writing, Uncategorized

Dream Diaries: 13/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

I'm lucky enough to remember my dreams. I'm even more lucky that most of my dreams are practically movies! Some dreams I remember for years, and some I have to write down the second I wake up and they lay in the notes section of my phone until I can figure out something more useful… Continue reading Dream Diaries: 13/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

The Life & Lies

Where Art Thou, November?

*Tap Tap Tap* My nails drummed on the keyboard. Fingers hovering over letters, itching to form the words that floated around my foggy brain. The room blurred as my eyes began swimming with tears. "No," I whispered to myself, gulping and turning my head to the ceiling, blinking quickly in an attempt to stop myself from crying.… Continue reading Where Art Thou, November?