Travel, Uncategorized

3 Weeks To Go! |My One-Way Adventure!

It still doesn't feel real. Despite having my visa's sorted, my luggage bought, my packing list written and slowly starting to take place, it still doesn't feel like I'm about to leave England. I suppose it was the same when I was going to Winchester for University; not till I was placing my boxes in… Continue reading 3 Weeks To Go! |My One-Way Adventure!

The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

Finding Positivity

Stand up and open a window. Or even better, go outside! Close your eyes and take in a long, deep breath. Think of the last thing that made you smile or laugh. Feel the wind on your skin and tilt your head up to the sky and just let go.

The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

How To Live A Perfect Life

What is your idea of perfection? For me, I imagine a beautiful house with a porch. Surrounded by a lake and hundreds of trees with soft grass, scattered with poppies and tulips. I would have a porch swing I could curl up on in the evenings with a book while my partner sat across from… Continue reading How To Live A Perfect Life

Reviews, Uncategorized

Dreamgirls West End Review: 27/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

Dreamgirls tells the tale of 3 black women, powerfully-voiced Effie, Gorgeous Deena, and the youngest, sassy little Lorrell, all desperate to break into the music business during the 1960's. The story is very similar to the that of Diana Ross and The Supremes. If you’re unfamiliar with the show, Dreamgirls began life as a Broadway musical… Continue reading Dreamgirls West End Review: 27/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

Creative Writing, Uncategorized

Dream Diaries: 13/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

I'm lucky enough to remember my dreams. I'm even more lucky that most of my dreams are practically movies! Some dreams I remember for years, and some I have to write down the second I wake up and they lay in the notes section of my phone until I can figure out something more useful… Continue reading Dream Diaries: 13/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

Creative Writing, Uncategorized

Where Words Begin: 12/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

Something has changed in the past few days. I don’t know whether it is the excitement of a new life, the flood of icy, salt oxygen that was pumped into my mind as I wondered the Scandinavian streets of Denmark and Sweden, or maybe, just maybe, this blogging challenge is starting to work like I hoped… Continue reading Where Words Begin: 12/31 Days of Blogging Challenge


50 Things About Me: 3/31 Days of Blogging Challenge!

1. Full name Natalie Patricia Brittain 2. Zodiac sign Scorpio (November 5th) 3. 3 fears Heights. Spiders. Zombies (I know they're not real but they freak me out!) 4. 3 things I love Musicals, writing, happiness. 5. My best friend I don’t think I have a best friend, instead, I have many close friends. 6.… Continue reading 50 Things About Me: 3/31 Days of Blogging Challenge!

The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

What I Want From 2018: 2/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

For many, today was the first day back at work for this year. It would have been mine too if I was still living in Hampshire, but instead, I'm living the unemployed home with parents life. This is both a blessing and a curse. While yes, I had the joy of sleeping in and being… Continue reading What I Want From 2018: 2/31 Days of Blogging Challenge