Travel, Uncategorized

2 Weeks To Go! | My One-Way Adventure!

The panic set in yesterday. "So much to do, so little time" is a phrase that suddenly became a reality for me. Don't get me wrong, I think I can do it, it's just a lot to process that I'm about to go away and not know when I'm coming back. I was saying to… Continue reading 2 Weeks To Go! | My One-Way Adventure!

The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

Life Plans: The Desire, The Disapline, and The Down-right Disasters

"We're all in the same boat" Being in your early 20's sucks. We can't help but feel so much is expected of us when it comes to having our lives together. We are in an awkward transition of adolescence. We are no longer considered teens yet we're not being considered adults yet either. You can't… Continue reading Life Plans: The Desire, The Disapline, and The Down-right Disasters

Creative Writing, Uncategorized

Novel Planning: 18/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

One of the questions that always stumps me when talking to other writers is, "are you a planner or do you wing it?" Most of my writer friends are either one or the other. Some fully have colour coded notebooks filled with research and detailed page-by-page outlines of their entire book before they've even written… Continue reading Novel Planning: 18/31 Days of Blogging Challenge