The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

You’re Not Alone: 30/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

When I was 11, I had my first holiday romance. It was beyond cheesy, but for two weeks we were the best of friends. We would hold hands around the resort and would push each other in the pool. In the evening, we played snooker and sipped on fruit juice mocktails. Then, at the end… Continue reading You’re Not Alone: 30/31 Days of Blogging Challenge

The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

Welcome To The Real World

University is officially over! So pleased to announce that despite all the tears and tantrums, I will be graduating with a 2:1 (Second Upper Class) Creative Writing Degree in October. The past four months since my first post have been a whirlwind of emotions from saying goodbye to many incredible people, moving to a completely new… Continue reading Welcome To The Real World

The Life & Lies, Uncategorized

Post-University Life

I handed in my final project/dissertation/ECP the other day and that felt as good a time as any to start a blog.